What I do when i'm in a funk!



When I’m in a funk or my energy feels low...it’s more often than not because one of these practices (above) has been forgotten or not tended to. ⁣

Quite simply my needs are not being met and I feel disconnected and flat ...frustrated for no apparent reason. ⁣

A few months ago I wrote a list of the things that, when I practice regularly, keep my energy high, I feel motivated & life has a certain kind of ease to it.⁣

It’s a list I keep in my diary* as a reminder to make sure I fit them into each day / week...AND if I do find myself in a funk, I go to the list and ask myself ‘what’s missing?’⁣
(*yes-a proper paper diary and I LOVE it!!)⁣

I love lists, but the intention is one day these things will be deeply integrated into my life that won’t need it; but it’s a helpful tool until I get to that point! ...do you have a practice like this where you ‘check in’ with if your needs are being met?

I believed I was rubbish at relationships, but then...



I believed I was rubbish at relationships. ⁣
After all, I'd failed hadn't I? I had evidence in the form of ex boyfriends where others had husbands. 36 and incapable of maintaining a romantic relationship. ⁣
What a failure I was, off course, desperately behind in the order of things.⁣

Feeling stuck, frustrated but ready to open up again to the idea of a relationship I sought the advice of a coach...and reflected on the TRUTH.⁣

You talk of great, long held, healthy friendships she said.⁣

I reflected, and spoke of friendships, some spanning luxuriously over 28 years. I spoke of friends who turned up on my doorstep moments after a break-up, comforting me as I sobbed. Friends who travelled 100's of miles simply to celebrate my turning of age; sitting with friends as they opened up about their biggest fears and regrets; celebrating new jobs, graduations, marriages, births..⁣

For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health—I was there for it all, as they were there for me through it all.⁣

It dawned on me as I spoke how I had been blinded by the belief that only romantic relationships were worthy of note & celebration; providing evidence of my worth and success in life.⁣

...but slowly the veil lifted and I saw the TRUTH, it had always been there buried beneath the beliefs I'd held.⁣

The TRUTH being, I AM capable & skilled at creating loving, healthy, long-lasting and soul nourishing friendships. Celebrating this over the past few months has only served to allow them to flourish more.⁣
With this new found confidence in my ability to hold relationships and knowing I am supported by these loving friends has given me the bravery I needed to step back into the dating world.⁣

I can step forward glowing with the knowledge that whatever the outcome I am loved, supported and already living out EPIC love stories.⁣

You will love again



This photo was me just over 4 years ago.

I was on a pre-Christmas break in the Highlands with my brother, sister & some friends.

It was a memorable and beautiful trip; I loved it. Waking up with a view of the sea & sunrise was deeply nourishing for me.

But I also feel pretty heartbroken for the woman I see in the photo; knowing the negative, hurtful, self critical stories that were frequent visitors in her mind.

She had a way of speaking to herself that had become the norm & familiar; she didn't know herself without that voice

She was newly out of a short lived relationship, not yet healed from a long term relationship. Unhappy in work; indecisive and unsure of the next step to take. Sometimes pretty darn sad. She felt like a let down, a failure, a disappointment; burdened. Tired, so tired. Comparing herself to others she felt off course and 'behind'. Un-confident, afraid, lost & disconnected from herself & what brought her joy.

It's not that life was all doom & gloom, not at all! She had moments of great joy, ease and times of deep connection with herself. But she couldn't tell you how she grasped it, where it came from or how to make it sustainable. The negative voices would inevitably creep back in, sabotaging a perfectly wonderful moment. What was it all about?! It was so confusing.

Now, 4 years on, I want to reach in and give a big hug & tell her;

-You will feel energised, alive and excited by life and the work that you do.

-You'll learn how to trust yourself & feel safe, supported and nourished : from within.

-You'll be adventurous, you'll be brave, courageous and step out of your comfort zone; it'll feel exhilarating!

-You'll learn how to live with your inner critic; to comfort and soothe her.

-You'll find your community; people you feel safe to open up to, connect & grow with.

-You'll feel confident and comfortable in your own skin.

-You'll feel the most YOU you've ever felt in your life.

-You will be loved again.

-You will love again.